The exhibition in the heart of the Capital
The Southern Association introduces Igino Stella

After the exposition of Helene Morio and Jorge Carruana, the brand new cultural association Southern will officially open on 11th May, at 18 o’ clock in Street Laurina, with the varnishing of the exhibition of Igino Stella. In the heart of Rome, near Piazza del Popolo, Street Laurina, a quite silent way where people meet and greet. Here and now, in this spirit, it was born Southern, with the objective of be a reference point for all the people who transmit and receive those fundamental and thin energies that make Art be an eternal source of vital principles.

Even the proposal of the Master Igino Stella, knowingly carried out by Francesco Balsamo and Fabio Spalvieri, witnesses this choice. All along his very long 73 years, Stella has elaborated the materials that he has silently, heroically transformed in art works, far away from fashions or trends. He exposes his paths, that have taken him to the creation of huge wood carvings, full of deep ancestral meanings, at the end of the 80’s.

Georgia Bava