I share with you, a few privileged people, the happiness of talking about the values, so rares and deserts, that the hidden and suffered love for them takes to the emotion. This beautiful soul and its stunning creatures help my first enthusiastic intuitions of the greatness of the works, of the reflections of a Gauguin, a Van Gogh, a Modi, the penetrating participation in their hopeless life. They also help my intuition of the youth ardor of the fight against all those idiots that compose the disastruous and compact majority that, as Ibsen says, govern the world. His painting is clear and strong. It gives to the abstract forms the power and the commitment of the expressionism. Strong and deep colours. Light wriggles turn on and reveal the hidden worship of the beauty and the right. These wriggles keep the whole existence that uses the silence or a motivating need, trying not to fall in the compromise. Though, from lots of “people friends” I heard, about his works, of kaleidoscopes, naifs, of lack of a cultural substratum. I please them to observe how bad the compositon originality, the chromatic refinement, the evolutionary tension of the works succession relate to their thesis. The evolutionary tension gives an initial bright clamor, and it arrives at a more reflected analysis of his message. And, about presumption, my dear “people friends”, you haven’t a measure.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Diego Pierpaoli